The Speedwell Foundation sponsors several charter and Catholic schools that inspire students to succeed.

Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School, Atlanta GA
In addition to supporting Cristo Rey Atlanta’s Building Futures Changing Lives capital campaign, the Speedwell Foundation funds four Corporate Work Study teams at Georgia Tech and has supplied laptops and Chromebooks to every student since 2014.
Carolina Voyager Charter School, Charleston, SC
The mission of Carolina Voyager Charter School is to create resilient learners and empathetic citizens by fostering, supporting, and promoting excellence in learning in an engaging, technology rich environment. Carolina Voyager combines traditional classroom teaching with personalized instruction and online technology to meet the specific needs of every student. Additionally, students attend weekly technology classes where they use a variety of game-based applications and robots to learn coding skills that are integral to a 21st century education.

Allegro Charter School of Music, North Charleston, SC
Allegro Charter School of Music prepares students in grades 6-12 for the pursuit of creative work in any field, using music as a medium to inspire and foster creativity, coupled with a strong academic program.
The vision of the school is aligned with the purpose of the SC Charter School Act to “create new, innovative, and more flexible ways of educating children within the public school system, with the goal of closing achievement gaps between low performing student groups and high performing student groups.”
Catholic Partnership Schools, Camden, NJ
Catholic Partnership Schools mission is to sustain safe and nurturing schools that inspire and prepare each of its students for rigorous, college preparatory, or technical high schools. Their goal is to provide a Safe, Loving and Achieving environment, where students are encouraged to find their path forward.
The model represents a new approach to Catholic urban education. Five once-separate, and parish-based elementary schools are now administered by a single non-profit entity that centralizes financial, academic and operational management and oversight.